sTEFANs Subversion Web Contol (SWC)
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Source for file _default_swc_help.php

Documentation is available at _default_swc_help.php

  1. <?php
  2. /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  3. SVN Web Control
  4. Copyright ©2006 by sTEFANs
  5. Created on 17.03.2006
  6. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  7. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  8. it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  9. the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
  10. (at your option) any later version.
  12. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  13. but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  15. GNU General Public License for more details.
  17. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  18. along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
  19. Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
  20. Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
  21. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  22. */
  24. /**
  25.  * Body text of help page. Instead of translating the very long text,
  26.  * a 'translated' include page is used to provide the help text
  27.  * in the correct language.<br>
  28.  * This file contains the default language (English) of help text.
  29.  * 
  30.  * @package Swc
  31.  * @subpackage Inc-Resources
  32.  * @author Stefan Schraml
  33.  * @copyright Copyright ©2006 by sTEFANs
  34.  * @license GNU General Public License
  35.  * @version v1.0.0
  36.  * @since v1.0.0
  37.  */
  38. print '
  39.     <div class="text_low">Depending on the state of the webspace, SWC offers different 
  40.         functionalities and views. The upper part of the browser window contains SWC control panel, the 
  41.         lower, bigger, part (where also this text could appear now) contains either the project page 
  42.         or SVN related information. If no or an incorrect SWC configuration is applied, 
  43.         according error messages are displayed in that area. Please refer to    
  44.         <span class="text_low_bold">SWC installation and configuration description</span> 
  45.         for more information about SWC configuration.<br/>
  46.         If everything is set up correctly and more than one project is configured for SWC, 
  47.         the control panel offers a selection of these projects. After selection of a 
  48.         project the complete panel is visible.<br/><br/>
  49.     </div>
  50.     <div class="title">Note:<br/><br/></div>
  51.     <div class="text_low">SWC usually reacts immideately on changes of
  52.         checkboxes. Unfortunately this behavior does not work with MS
  53.         Internet Explorer. As specified by W3C, IE reacts upon such a change
  54.         after a different element is selected. For this reason it is neccessary
  55.         to click on any area of the page to apply changes.<br/><br/>
  56.     </div>
  57.     <div class="title">SWC Control Panel - Checkout View<br/><br/></div>
  58.     <div class="text_low">SWC checks whether the selected project is already checked out. 
  59.         If no checked out files are detected, it offers 
  60.         some information about the repository and a button to check out the project.<br/><br/>
  61.     </div>
  62.     <table class="description">
  63.         <tr>
  64.             <td class="description"><div class="text_low_bold">Project name</div></td>
  65.             <td class="description">The most left text in the first line is 
  66.                 the name of the selected project as configured. Below the project name the 
  67.                 used version of <a href="" target="_blank">
  68.                 <u>Subversion</u></a> is displayed.
  69.             </td>
  70.         </tr><tr>
  71.             <td class="description"><div class="text_low_bold">'.T(TK_CTRL_TITLE_HEAD).'</div></td>
  72.             <td class="description">Revision number and timestamp of the most recent revision 
  73.                 available in the repository. This revision    will be checked out. Depending on 
  74.                 localization settings the timestamp    could contain calendar week and day of the year.
  75.             </td>
  76.         </tr><tr>
  77.             <td class="description"><div class="text_low_link">'.T(TK_CTRL_ACTION_CHECKOUT).'</div></td>
  78.             <td class="description">Checks out the latest revision into the webspace.</td>
  79.         </tr><tr>
  80.             <td class="description"><div class="text_low_link">'.T(TK_CTRL_ACTION_SWC_HELP).'</div></td>
  81.             <td class="description">This text.</td>
  82.         </tr>
  83.     </table>
  85.     <br/><br/>
  86.     <div class="title">SWC Control Panel - Project View<br/><br/></div>
  87.     <div class="text_low">For checked out projects SWC offers its functionality in
  88.         different bars. Some of these bars could be not visible in some cases.<br/><br/>
  89.     </div>
  90.     <div class="title">Info Bar</div>
  91.     <table class="description">
  92.         <tr>
  93.             <td class="description"><div class="text_low_bold">Project name</div></td>
  94.             <td class="description">The most left text in the first line is 
  95.                 the name of the selected project as configured. Below the project name the 
  96.                 used version of subversion is displayed.
  97.             </td>
  98.         </tr><tr>
  99.             <td class="description"><div class="text_low_bold">'.T(TK_CTRL_TITLE_HEAD).'</div></td>
  100.             <td class="description">Revision number and timestamp of the most recent revision 
  101.                 available in the repository. This revision will be checked out. Depending on 
  102.                 localization settings the timestamp    could contain calendar week and day of the year.
  103.             </td>
  104.         </tr><tr>
  105.             <td class="description"><div class="text_low_bold">'.T(TK_CTRL_TITLE_WS).'</div></td>
  106.             <td class="description">Revision number, repository path, and timestamp of revision 
  107.                 available in the webspace. Depending on localization settings the timestamp    
  108.                 could contain calendar week and day of the year. 
  109.             </td>
  110.         </tr><tr>
  111.             <td class="description"><div class="text_low">'.T(TK_CTRL_ACTION_MINIMIZE).'</div></td>
  112.             <td class="description">Shrinks SWC panel to a compact variant of the info-bar.
  113.                 If the checkbox is checked, only a single line info bar is displayed. Version
  114.                 of subversion and timestamps are not shown in this mode.                
  115.             </td>
  116.         </tr><tr>
  117.             <td class="description"><div class="text_low_link">'.T(TK_CTRL_ACTION_UPDATE).'</div></td>
  118.             <td class="description">Updates the webspace with the latest version (SVN head) available
  119.                 within the repository. If the version of webspace matches the latest repository revision
  120.                 this button is shown as disabled but still working. If the webspace is not up to date,
  121.                 the warning "<span class="text_low_bold_red">'.T(TK_CTRL_WARN_WS_OUTDATED).'</span>" 
  122.                 is displayed in front of the button.                
  123.             </td>
  124.         </tr><tr>
  125.             <td class="description"><div class="text_low_link">'.T(TK_CTRL_ACTION_SWC_HELP).'</div></td>
  126.             <td class="description">This text.</td>
  127.         </tr>
  128.     </table>
  130.     <br/>
  131.     </div>
  132.     <div class="title">Action Bar</div>
  133.     <table class="description">
  134.         <tr>
  135.             <td class="description"><div class="text_low_link">'.T(TK_CTRL_ACTION_REFRESH).'</div></td>
  136.             <td class="description">Refreshes the information of SWC. Please note
  137.                 that also other pages, such as project page are reloaded.
  138.             </td>
  139.         </tr><tr>
  140.             <td class="description"><div class="text_low_link">'.T(TK_CTRL_ACTION_SHOW_PROJECTPAGE).'</div></td>
  141.             <td class="description">Shows the project page below SWC control panel. 
  142.             </td>
  143.         </tr><tr>
  144.             <td class="description"><div class="text_low_link">'.T(TK_CTRL_ACTION_SHOW_REPOSITORY).'</div></td>
  145.             <td class="description">Shows repository view below SWC control panel
  146.                 as provided by SVN Web access. 
  147.             </td>
  148.         </tr><tr>
  149.             <td class="description"><div class="text_low_link">'.T(TK_CTRL_ACTION_SHOW_WEBSVN).'</div></td>
  150.             <td class="description">Opens the corresponding Web SVN view below the SWC control panel.                 
  151.                 <a href="" target="_blank"><u>WebSVN</u></a> must be installed properly 
  152.                 and the project configuration must point to WebSVN, otherwise this button is not visible at all.
  153.             </td>
  154.         </tr><tr>
  155.             <td class="description"><div class="text_low_link">'.T(TK_CTRL_ACTION_SHOW_WS_INFO).'</div></td>
  156.             <td class="description">Displays information about the webspace below the SWC control panel.<br>
  157.                 Executed command: svn info. Please refer to SVN documentation for further information.
  158.             </td>
  159.         </tr><tr>
  160.             <td class="description"><div class="text_low_link">'.T(TK_CTRL_ACTION_SHOW_WS_STATUS).'</div></td>
  161.             <td class="description">Displays status of webspace below the SWC control panel.<br>
  162.                 Executed command: svn status. Please refer to SVN documentation for further information.
  163.             </td>
  164.         </tr><tr>
  165.             <td class="description"><div class="text_low_link">'.T(TK_CTRL_ACTION_SHOW_WS_LOG).'</div></td>
  166.             <td class="description">Displays webspace log below the SWC control panel.<br>
  167.                 Executed command: svn log. Please refer to SVN documentation for further information.
  168.             </td>
  169.         </tr><tr>
  170.             <td class="description"><div class="text_low_link">'.T(TK_CTRL_ACTION_SHOW_WS_CLEANUP).'</div></td>
  171.             <td class="description">Cleans up the webspace and displays the result below the SWC control panel.<br>
  172.                 Executed command: svn cleanup. Please refer to SVN documentation for further information.
  173.             </td>
  174.         </tr><tr>
  175.             <td class="description"><div class="text_low_link">'.T(TK_CTRL_ACTION_SHOW_ARCHIVE_PAGE).'</div></td>
  176.             <td class="description">Allows to create new and download existing spaceballs. Spaceballs
  177.                 are file archives in ZIP format that contains a shnapshot of the current webspace without
  178.                 .svn directories.<br/>
  179.                 This can be usefull to create e.g. file releases of a tested webspace.
  180.             </td>
  181.         </tr>
  182.     </table>
  184.     <br/>
  185.     </div>
  186.     <div class="title">SVN Command Bar</div>
  187.     <div class="text_low">Note: This bar is not shown if it is disabled via
  188.         project configuration or if checkbox "'.
  189.         str_ireplace('<br/>'' 'T(TK_CTRL_LABEL_SHOW_CMDBAR)).'"
  190.         is not checked.</div>
  191.     <table class="description">
  192.         <tr>
  193.             <td class="description"><div class="text_low_bold">'.T(TK_CTRL_LABEL_SVN_CMD).'</div></td>
  194.             <td class="description">SVN command to be executed.
  195.             </td>
  196.         </tr><tr>
  197.             <td class="description"><div class="text_low_link">'.T(TK_CTRL_ACTION_SVN_CMD).'</div></td>
  198.             <td class="description">Executes the applied SVN command. The output of the execution
  199.                 is shown below the SWC panel.    If no command is applied or 
  200.                 the command is not an SVN command, an error message is displayed.<br>
  201.                 '.T(TK_RESULT_SVN_HELP_HEADER).'
  202.                 '.T(TK_RESULT_SVN_HELP_REP_LONG).'
  203.                 '.T(TK_RESULT_SVN_HELP_REP_SHORT).'
  204.                 '.T(TK_RESULT_SVN_HELP_WS_LONG).'
  205.                 '.T(TK_RESULT_SVN_HELP_WS_SHORT).'
  206.             </td>
  207.         </tr><tr>
  208.             <td class="description"><div class="text_low_link">'.T(TK_CTRL_ACTION_SVN_HELP).'</div></td>
  209.             <td class="description">Displays help texts of SVN below SWC control panel. 
  210.             </td>
  211.         </tr>
  212.     </table>
  214.     <br/>
  215.     </div>
  216.     <div class="title">Switch Bar</div>
  217.     <div class="text_low">Note: This bar is not shown if checkbox "'.
  218.         str_ireplace('<br/>'' 'T(TK_CTRL_LABEL_SHOW_SWITCHBAR)).'"
  219.         is not checked.</div>
  220.     <table class="description">
  221.         <tr>
  222.             <td class="description"><div class="text_low_bold">'.T(TK_CTRL_LABEL_PROJECTS).'</div></td>
  223.             <td class="description">List of projects which are available via SWC. This list 
  224.                 is shown if more than one project is available. If a different project is selected,
  225.                 this project is loaded below SWC control panel.
  226.             </td>
  227.         </tr><tr>
  228.             <td class="description"><div class="text_low_link">'.T(TK_CTRL_ACTION_SWITCH_TO_HEAD).'</div></td>
  229.             <td class="description">Switch to the latest version (head) within the repository.
  230.             </td>
  231.         </tr><tr>
  232.             <td class="description"><div class="text_low_bold">'.T(TK_CTRL_LABEL_SWITCH_TO_TAG).'</div></td>
  233.             <td class="description">List of available tags as configured within project configuration.
  234.                 The webspace is switched to the selected tag when hitting 
  235.                 <span class="text_low_link">'.T(TK_CTRL_ACTION_SWITCH).'</span>
  236.             </td>
  237.         </tr><tr>
  238.             <td class="description"><div class="text_low_bold">'.T(TK_CTRL_LABEL_SWITCH_TO_BRANCH).'</div></td>
  239.             <td class="description">List of available branches as configured within project configuration.
  240.                 The webspace is switched to the selected tag when hitting 
  241.                 <span class="text_low_link">'.T(TK_CTRL_ACTION_SWITCH).'</span>
  242.             </td>
  243.         </tr>
  244.     </table>
  246.     <br/>
  247.     </div>
  248.     <div class="title">User Settings Bar</div>
  249.     <table class="description">
  250.         <tr>
  251.             <td class="description"><div class="text_low_link">'.
  252.                 str_ireplace('<br/>'' 'T(TK_CTRL_ACTION_OPEN_PROJECTPAGE)).'</div></td>
  253.             <td class="description">Opens the project page in an independent browser window. This is helpful
  254.                 to prevent the project from reloading when SWC is refreshed and to proof special aspects
  255.                 of the browser window, such as title.
  256.             </td>
  257.         </tr><tr>
  258.             <td class="description"><div class="text_low_bold">'.
  259.                 str_ireplace('<br/>'' 'T(TK_CTRL_LABEL_PIN_PROJECTPAGE)).'</div></td>
  260.             <td class="description">Pins the project page below SWC control panel and 
  261.                 prevents showing other information in that area. This option is useful
  262.                 together with "'.str_ireplace('<br/>'' 'T(TK_CTRL_LABEL_SEPARATE_RESULT_WINDOW)).'".
  263.             </td>
  264.         </tr><tr>
  265.             <td class="description"><div class="text_low_bold">'.
  266.                 str_ireplace('<br/>'' 'T(TK_CTRL_LABEL_SEPARATE_RESULT_WINDOW)).'</div></td>
  267.             <td class="description">Shows other information than the project page in a pop-up browser window.
  268.                 This option is useful    together with "'.
  269.                 str_ireplace('<br/>'' 'T(TK_CTRL_LABEL_PIN_PROJECTPAGE)).'".
  270.             </td>
  271.         </tr><tr>
  272.             <td class="description"><div class="text_low_bold">'.
  273.                 str_ireplace('<br/>'' 'T(TK_CTRL_LABEL_SHOW_SWITCHBAR)).'</div></td>
  274.             <td class="description">Shows or hides Switch Bar to make SWC more compact.
  275.             </td>
  276.         </tr><tr>
  277.             <td class="description"><div class="text_low_bold">'.
  278.                 str_ireplace('<br/>'' 'T(TK_CTRL_LABEL_SHOW_CMDBAR)).'</div></td>
  279.             <td class="description">Shows or hides SVN Command Bar to make SWC more compact.
  280.                 This checkbox is not shown if SVN Command Bar is disabled via project configuration.
  281.             </td>
  282.         </tr><tr>
  283.             <td class="description"><div class="text_low_bold">'.
  284.                 str_ireplace('<br/>'' 'T(TK_CTRL_LABEL_FRAME_SIZE)).'</div></td>
  285.             <td class="description">Specifies the dimension of the embedded frame for project page.
  286.                 The left text field accepts the frame width and the right text field the frame height
  287.                 in pixel. The size is applied with 
  288.                 <span class="text_low_link">'.T(TK_CTRL_ACTION_SET_FRAME_SIZE).'</span><br/>
  289.                 This function is useful to determine whether the project page fits into the
  290.                 desired dimensions.
  291.             </td>
  292.         </tr>
  293.     </table>
  295.     <br/><br/>
  296.     <div class="title">SVN Command Result<br/><br/></div>
  297.     <div class="text_low">The area below the SWC control panel displays various
  298.         information, also depending on certain settings as described above. It
  299.         also displays results of executed SVN commands.<br/>
  300.     </div>
  301.     <table class="description">
  302.         <tr>
  303.             <td class="description"><div class="text_low_bold">Title</div></td>
  304.             <td class="description">The first line contains the tile of the information.
  305.             </td>
  306.         </tr><tr>
  307.             <td class="description"><div class="text_low_bold">'.T(TK_DETAILS_LABEL_CMDLINE).'</div></td>
  308.             <td class="description">Displays the command line as it was executed. 
  309.             </td>
  310.         </tr><tr>
  311.             <td class="description"><div class="description" class="text_low_bold">'.
  312.                 T(TK_DETAILS_LABEL_RESULT_CODE).'</div></td>
  313.             <td class="description">Displays the numerical result code of the 
  314.                 command execution.
  315.             </td>
  316.         </tr><tr>
  317.             <td class="description"><div class="text_low_bold">'.T(TK_DETAILS_LABEL_OUTPUT).'</div></td>
  318.             <td class="description">Displays the formatted standard output as retrieved
  319.                 during command execution. 
  320.             </td>
  321.         </tr><tr>
  322.             <td class="description"><div class="text_low">'.T(TK_DETAILS_LABEL_ERROR).'</div></td>
  323.             <td class="description">Displays the formatted error output as retrieved
  324.                 during command execution.                
  325.             </td>
  326.         </tr>
  327.     </table>
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  335.             <td class="text_low_bold">using</td>
  336.             <td class="text_low_bold">to control projects with</td>
  337.         </tr><tr>
  338.             <td>
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  340.                     <img src="./inc/resources/logos/ebc.bz_logo.jpg" border="0" alt=""/>
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  350.                     <img src="./inc/resources/logos/phpeclipse_logo.jpg" border="0" alt="PHPEclipse">
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  352.             </td>
  353.             <td>
  354.                 <a href="" title="Subversion" target="_blank">
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  360.             <td class="text_low_bold">Optimized for</td>
  361.             <td class="text_low_bold">but works also well with</td>                
  362.             <td class="text_low_bold" colspan="2">Complies with</td>
  363.         </tr><tr>
  364.             <td>
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  366.                     <img src="./inc/resources/logos/firefox_logo.png" border="0" alt="Get Firefox">
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  380.             <td class="text_low_bold" colspan="3">Logos and trademarks belong to the according companies</td>
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  383. ';
  385. ?>

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